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Monday, June 29, 2020- Friday, August 14, 2020

Registration for summer begins March 1, 2020


For ages 2-5, information is as followed:

There is a onetime non-refundable activity fee of $100.00 due immediately to secure your space.

ALL children must arrive at Pilgrim before 9 am each day. Please note: Students will not be allowed to stay if they arrive after 9 am.

The Camp will conclude on Friday, August 14, 2020 (last day) at a cost of$325.00 per week for 2 year old and $245.00 per week for 3 to 5 year old due every Monday morning before services are rendered beginning June 29, 2020.


For ages 6-12, information is as followed:

There is a onetime non-refundable activity fee of $200.00 due immediately to secure your space.

ALL children must arrive at Pilgrim before 9 am each day. Please note: Students will not be allowed to stay if they arrive after 9 am.

The Camp will conclude on Friday, August 14, 2020 (last day) at a cost of $200.00 per week due every Monday morning before services are rendered beginning June 29, 2020.

Summer Camp includes:

  • Summer Camp T-shirt

  • Lunch

  • Field Trips

  • And More!






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